I taught my first mandolin student over 35 years ago and have stayed involved with teaching ever since. As a Bluegrass mandolin teacher, I enjoy sharing the knowledge accrued over the last 40+ years of playing. It's satisfying (and fun!) watching players develop. Also, as many teachers have found, the process of working with students helps deepen my own understanding as it
challenges me to refine and articulate the ideas that guide my particular approach to playing. Teaching mandolin is fulfilling at many levels.
In addition to giving private lessons for many years, I’ve taught at the California Bluegrass Association music camp, the NBCMS Camp He Ho Ha in Edmonton Canada, the Haapavesi Folk Music Festival in Finland, and at the Nimblefingers Bluegrass Camp in Vancouver Canada. I also have an instructional dvd on beginning mandolin (Music Star Productions).
I give mandolin lessons in the SF Bay area, and I teach out of my home in Albany CA. Interested students can contact me at 510-528 4039 or at tombekeny@gmail.com
Mandolin Lessons with Tom Bekeny
510.528.4039 tombekeny@gmail.com